Common Understanding Wiki

Common Understanding Wiki

A Common Knowledge Source of Terms and Definitions

CloudSocket Common Understanding Wiki

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Wiki: General

CloudSocket Technology and Terminology Wiki #


  • adapt imges sizes
  • add BPaaS to Taxonomy figure

This wiki is intended to create a common technical understanding of  Business Process as a Service and CloudSocket in particular. It's main purpose is to collect, describe and explain the used concepts not only for the consortium members but also for other cooperative projects. In particular, it functions as a references to the project terminology that is used in all project documents such as deliverables, but also the web site and marketing material. There exist two navigation paths through this wiki. The first one takes Terminology, Tools, Technologies, and Users/Roles as a first level separator. The second path follows a taxonomy that captures the technological background of the project ranging from Business Process Management (BPM) to cloud systems, but also incorporates new terms coined by the project.

For quick access to individual terms, the Glossary page shall be used. The references page list all references that were used to emerge this wiki.

Domain-oriented Access to Content #

The domain-oriented approach structures the content accoring to the four main enties:

  1. Terminology (objects)
  2. Users and Roles (subjects)
  3. Technologies 
  4. Tools

Taxonomy-oriented Access to Content #

The taxonomy-oriented approach structurs the content according to a Taxonomy that was created for the projects and that builds on background work, but also incorporates aspects specific to CloudSocket and Business-Process-as-a-Service.

involved persons (roles), and technical requirements/constraints. In all cases, we strictly separate the use of the platform from the technical concepts that realise its functionality. 

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Publié le 20/07/24 09:00.
Xe ba gác chuyển đồ là một phương tiện quen thuộc tại Hà Nội, đặc biệt hữu ích cho sinh viên khi chuyển nhà trọ. Giá thuê xe ba gác rất hợp lý, chỉ khoảng 150K, phù hợp với ngõ nhỏ và giao thông đông đúc. Xe ba gác không bị cấm đường giờ cao điểm như ô tô, nên việc chuyển đồ trở nên dễ dàng hơn. Điều này giúp tân sinh viên tiết kiệm thời gian và công sức khi dọn phòng trọ.
Publié le 20/07/24 09:00.
Publié le 20/07/24 09:01 en réponse à gd.