Common Understanding Wiki

Common Understanding Wiki

A Common Knowledge Source of Terms and Definitions

Business Episodes Definition Template

Wiki: General

Motivation: [Link to partner/pilot organisation, brief description]


Profile: [Short Company Profile]

Characteristics: [Company statistics e.g. number of employees, market size, domain, ....]

Business Model Canvas

[Graphical representation of the business model as input for the identification of processes, mapping via Business Model Canvas taxonomy]

IMPORTANT: Identify business episodes as input for scenes

  • Business episode (Case 1)
  • Business episode (Case 2)
  • Business episode (Case n)

Business Episode (Case 1)

[Describe starting situation, challenge, solution / Focus on triggers, interfaces, organisational context, relation to tools/systems, etc.]

Scene A

[Use persona approach, describe each scene as the happen in logical, temporal, ... logic]

Scene B

[Use persona approach, describe each scene as the happen in logical, temporal, ... logic]

Scene n

[Use persona approach, describe each scene as the happen in logical, temporal, ... logic]

Business Episode (Case 2)

[Describe starting situation, challenge, solution / Focus on triggers, interfaces, organisational context, relation to tools/systems, etc.]

Scene A

[Use persona approach, describe each scene as the happen in logical, temporal, ... logic]

Scene B

[Use persona approach, describe each scene as the happen in logical, temporal, ... logic]

Scene n

[Use persona approach, describe each scene as the happen in logical, temporal, ... logic]

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