

End-User Perspective

This demonstration showcases how the end-user interacts with the CloudSocket BPaaS Marketplace to search, review and buy a fitting BPaaS Bundle. Based on the decision of the end-user, the execution environment prepares all necessary components and deployments in the cloud and informs the end-user as soon as the process is ready to use.

Explanation is given on the steps performed by the execution environment, preparing the virtual environment, deploying and referencing the resources and artifacts according to deployment rules and notifying the user.

To conclude the demonstration, the end-user opens the deployed package, and runs the process.

Used Components

CloudSocket Marketplace

CloudSocket Execution Environment

Broker Perspective

This demonstration showcases how the broker interacts with the CloudSocket BPaaS Design Environment, Allocation Environment. The broker aims to design (based on evaluation results) a new business process, define a corresponding workflow, allocate resources accordingly and deploy a new bundle in the marketplace. The outcome of these steps is a new BPaaS bundle available for the user to buy and use.

The starting point of this demonstration is a review of indicators by the broker, deciding on necessary adaptations, new developments of processes. The BPaaS designer picks up on these results and creates a new design package and releases it for further processing.

The allocation expert takes over the next design package and performs allocation activities (defining deployment rules, marketplace information such as annotations and descriptions) and deploys the bundle.

To conclude the demonstration, the end-user accesses the marketplace and can now also use the newly designed bundle.

Used Components

CloudSocket Design Environment

CloudSocket Allocation Environment

CloudSocket Marketplace

Research Findings Demos

These videos show how research resulted in the production of added-value components which can be integrated in the CloudSocket platform. 

They address topics such as:

  • Improvements on the cloud readiness assessment
  • Cross layer monitoring
  • Smart Service Discovery Selection
  • BPaaS Evaluation

CloudSocket Tools

The tools section contains software prototypes and tools that are useful not only when implementing a CloudSocket Broker but also span across the lifespan of a Business Process (BP) and integrate seamlessly in a BP's lifecycle (execution, design, allocation & evaluation activity).


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