The overall idea: CloudSocket covers the discovery, orchestration, deployment and execution of BP services on the cloud. It represents a learning cycle which improves cloud individualization over time. With CloudSocket, the level of integration is lifted from the technical to the business level.
CloudSocket value chain - what we actually do:
- Design: map business needs to business processes out of which abstract workflows are built, while enables the specification of KPIs and high-level deployment rules that can guide the deployment and execution of the business process in the cloud.
- Allocation: select all services needed for the BPaaS workflow realisation and deployment and wrap everything, (including an SLA templates), in the form of a BPaaS bundle.
- Marketplace: publish the BPaaS in a marketplace so that it can be browsed, assessed and hopefully bought by potential SME customers. Additional features of the Marketplace allow you to mannage your portfolio and customer lists.
- Execution: supports the deployment and execution of the purchased BPaaS bundle in the cloud.
- Evaluation: enables you to get insight about the purchased BPaaS performance and identify potentials for further BPaaS improvement to further reduce costs and increase your gains.