Demonstration: Broker Perspective

Demonstration: Broker Perspective

Christmas Cards Scenario

Introduction: Scenario Description

This demonstration showcases how the broker interacts with the CloudSocket BPaaS Design Environement, Allocation Environment. The broker aims to design (based on evaluation results) a new business process, define a corresponding workflow, allocates resources accorrdingly and deploys a new bundle to the marketplace. The outcome of these steps is a new BPaaS bundle available for the user to buy and use.

The starting point of this demonstration is a review of indicators by the broker, deciding on necessary adaptations, new developments of processes. The BPaaS designer picks up on these results and creates a new design package and releases it for further processing.

The allocation expert takes over the next design package and performs allocation activities (defining deployment rules, marketplace information such as annotations and descriptions) and deploys the bundle.

To conclude the demonstration, the end-user assess the marketplace and can now also use the newly designed bundle.

Involved Roles

Wilfrid/Kyriakos as the evaluation experts

Wilfrid/Joquin as the business process/workflow design experts

Simone as the Allocation Expert

Joaquin as "Mr. Quim", the end-user searching for a new process on his mobile device

Used Components

CloudSocket Design Environment

CloudSocket Allocation Environment

CloudSocket Marketplace

Evaluation Environment: Wilfrid as the Broker monitors and assesses indicators for running BPaaS bundles

MOTIVATION: The broker hires data and business analysts to review currently running BPaaS bundles and assess the needs and demands based on their usage. Using the evaluation environment, the data retrieved from the monitoring interface is visually aggregated as KPIs, goals and perspectives.

Based on this assessment, Kyriakos and Wilfrid propose to develop yet another package for not only sending christmas greetings but extend the offering for the upcoming Easter break. They decide to re-use the base structure from Christmas and apply a different context on this design.

The review of indicators has resulted in the need to create a new design package.


BPaaS Evaluation Environment

Design Environment: Wilfrid creates a new bundle so that his customers can also send Easter greetings in March

MOTIVATION: Based on the evaluation results, the creation of a new design package is performed. The design is done using graphical models as an interaction means between business analysts and workflow/technical designers. In our demonstration, we pick-up the package made available for Christmas and modify it accordingly. This modification is done on one hand by the business analyst, modifying and changing the business process model, further refined by the workflow designer who builds an executable process based on the input.

The package is designed as a combination of: a) Business Process (+ Service Requirements Specification as a result from WP3) as the business view, b) Workflow as the technical view, c) Rules for deployment and sensor definitions and d) KPIs and goals to measure the success of the package.

In the demonstration, we focus on the design on business level; the Christmas package is refined and annotated with necessary details to be considered on technical level. Highlights are added to be considered on workflow and execution level.

As a final step, the package is made available by releasing it in the repository. This makes the package also available via the API for further use in the allocation environment.

The design of the BPaaS package is complete. The technical realisation is performed in the allocation space.


BPaaS Design Environment

Allocation Environment: Simone is hired by the broker to perform the technical allocation of the bundle and its deployment to the marketplace

MOTIVATION: Simone, the allocation experts picks up from that step and performs the necessary steps to make the process ready for deployment. This means to add and adapt all details required by the marketplace (descriptive, pricing, etc.) as well as to align the deployment rules with the design package. These deployment rules are attached as CAMEL files that describe the dependencies on infrastructure level.

The allocation environment allows to perform these steps interactively by retrieving additional information from the design environment as well as marketplace and perform the updated and uploads accordingly.

To conclude this step, Simone pushes the valid bundle to the marketplace and makes it available for the end-users.

The new bundle for Easter is ready - let's have a look!

Marketplace: Mr. Quimm has a look again for Easter and to schedule a campaign again - the Easter bundle is a perfect fit

Mr. Quimm is notified that there is something new in the marketplace. Currently on the run, he uses his mobile phone to have a look on the new processes offered and finds a fit for his next campaign!

Happy Easter!

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