Use Cases

Use Cases

This section presents and describes various instances of use case scenarios originating, mainly from two business partners, BWCON and MATHEMA. All scenarios are covered by the Business Model Canvas since it is able to indicate different cloud support for different business episodes which enables the identification of cloud technology in new and existing enterprises by describing their business models. Then, a business episode is laid out for each usage case scenario by emphasizing the key aspects of an enterprise's day-to-day business practices. As such, this will enable a company to annotate possible cases of applicable cloud offerings.

In any case, every usage case scenario follows a Business Model Canvas template which answers a myriad of critical questions capable of pinpointing accurately a company's business requirements in terms of:

  • Key Partners
  • Key Activities/Key Resources
  • Value Proposition
  • Customer Relationships/Channels
  • Customer Segments
  • Cost Structure
  • Revenue Stream