"Digitalize your Business"

Browse the innovation items of the project

CloudSocket Innovation Shop

1.1 BPaaS Semantic Modeler

BPaaS Semantic Modeler to support consistency between human and machine interpretation of BPaaS models.
Owner: Knut Hinkelmann (FHNW)
TRL: 5
Environment: Design

1.2 Context-adaptive Questionnaire for Business-IT Alignment

Context-adaptive Questionnaire for the Business-IT Alignment in the Cloud.
Owner: Knut Hinkelmann (FHNW)
TRL: 5
Environment: Design

1.3 DMN based ontology query

DMN-based Ontology Query enables the business user to use DMN decision tables.
Owner: Knut Hinkelmann (FHNW)
TRL: 5
Environment: Design

1.4 DMN and BPMN 2.0 Prototype

Initial prototype that integrates Decision Modeling Notation (DMN) into the Business Process Model Notation (BPMN).
Owner: Wilfrid Utz (BOC)
TRL: 8
Environment: Design

1.5 BPaaS Design Environment Prototype

Enables the assignment of business processes, workflows, KPIs and deployment rules.
Owner: Wilfrid Utz (BOC)
TRL: 5
Environment: Design

1.6 Cloud-Readiness Checker

The Cloud-Readiness Checker enables end-users (start-ups, SMEs) to self-check their Cloud readiness.
Owner: Knut Hinkelmann (FHNW)
TRL: 6
Environment: Design

2.1 PaaS/SaaS support of CAMEL

Provide a cloud service level agnostic modelling approach for services (templates).
Owner: Kyriakos Kritikos (FORTH)
TRL: 5
Environment: Allocation

2.2 SLA support in OWL-Q

OWL-Q language for non-functional service description
Owner: Kyriakos Kritikos (FORTH)
TRL: 5
Environment: Allocation

2.3 DMN to CAMEL Mapping

The DMN-to-CAMEL-Mapper reduces the technical complexity of the software component allocation.
Owner: Daniel Seybold (UULM)
TRL: 5
Environment: Allocation

2.4 Smart Service Discovery and Composition Tools

Smart cross-layer service discovery and composition tool for BPaaS allocation.
Owner: Kyriakos Kritkos (FORTH)
TRL: 5
Environment: Allocation

2.5 SRL Extension of CAMEL

Enhancement of the cloud application language CAMEL to support scalability rules.
Owner: Kyriakos Kritikos (FORTH)
TRL: 5
Environment: Allocation

3.1.PaaS Orchestration

Enhancement of the application and component instance life-cycle and PaaS Unified Library (PUL).
Owner: Frank Griesinger (UULM)
Environment: Execution

3.2 BPaaS Monitoring Engine

Provides self-scaling Monitoring Architecture with a flexible TSDB storage engine and customizable sensors.
Owner: Kyriakos Kritikos (FORTH)
Environment: Execution

3.3 BPaaS Adaptation Engine

Integration of CAMEL adaptation plans, and loosely coupled components.
Owner: Frank Griesinger (UULM)
Environment: Execution

4.1 Smart Business Intelligence Analysis Tool

Evaluation of BPaaS using KPI drill-down mechanisms.
Owner: Kyriakos Kritikos (FORTH)
TRL: 5
Environment: Evaluation

4.2 Hybrid Business Dashboard

Enables the visualization of the analysis information via the use of suitable metaphors.
Owner: Damiano Falcioni (BOC)
Environment: Evaluation