Design Environment - Overview
This demonstration showcases how the broker can use the CloudSocket Design environment in the case of Send Invoice scenario.
Scenario Roles
- Golden Worm Start-up
- Susan, Supervisor: a biologist, searching for an efficient way to send invoices
- Robert, Accounting representative
- Marc, Administrator
- BWCON, Broker
Design Environment - KPI Dashboard
This demonstration showcases how the broker can use the CloudSocket Design environment in the case of Send Invoice scenario. The highlight of the presentation is the KPI Dashboard.
Design Environment - BP Verification
This demonstration showcases how the broker can use the CloudSocket Design environment in the case of Send Invoice scenario. The highlight of the presentation is on Business Process Verification, with the purpose of investigating the following:
- Verification of deadlock absence in the business process
- Verification of the two deadlock paths
- Cerification of the reachibility of a task in the Business Process
Design Environment - BP Simulation
- Overview of the Send Invoice Business Process to simulate
- Simulation results page
- Overview of the most probable trace
- Overview of the most probable path
Design Environment - Cloudready
This demonstration showcases the cloud readiness of the business process, made through the CloudSocket Design environment. The most important points of the presentation are:
- Overview of the Send Invoice Business Process to check
- Execution of the Cloud Ready service
- Visualization of the general questionnaire related to the Business Process
- Visualization of the Task questionnaire
Design Environment - WF Verification
This demonstration showcases how the broker can use the CloudSocket Design environment in the case of Send Invoice scenario. The highlight of the presentation is on workflow verification, with the purpose of emphasizing the following:
- Overview of the Send Invoice Workflow to be verified
- Verification of Deadlock absence
- Verification of Unboundedness
- Verification of the Reachability of the End event
Design Environment - WF Simulation
This demonstration showcases how the broker can use the CloudSocket Design environment in the case of Send Invoice scenario. The highlight of the presentation is on workflow simulation, with the purpose of emphasizing the following:
- Overview of the Send Invoice Workflow to be simulated
- Overview of the Simulation results page
- Overview of the Path with max execution time
Design Environment - WF Activiti Deployment
This presentation showcases how the broker can use the CloudSocket Design environment in the case of Send Invoice scenario. The highlight of the presentation is on workflow deployment, with the purpose of emphasizing the following:
- Overview of the Send Invoice Workflow to be deployed
- Deployment process into the Workflow engine
- Visualization of the deployed Wolkflow
BPaaS Allocation Environment
This presentation showcases how the broker can use the CloudSocket Allocation environment in the case of Send Invoice scenario. The highlight of the presentation is on workflow allocation, with the purpose of emphasizing the following: receiving the workflow previously deloyed, defining all characteristics and resources needed, and publishing it into the marketplace component.
Social Media Campaign
This demonstration showcases how the user interacts with the CloudSocket BPaaS Designer to create the Social Media campaign and to execute it using yourBPM (CloudSocket). Based on the decision of the end-user, the execution environment prepares all necessary components and deployments in the cloud and informs the end-user as soon as the process is ready to use.
External components userd: Twitter.