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CloudSocket Tools

The tools section contains software prototypes and tools that are useful not only when implementing a CloudSocket Broker but also span across the lifespan of a Business Process (BP) and integrate seamlessly in a BP's lifecycle (execution, design, allocation & evaluation activity).

BPaaS Design Environment

ADONIS Community Edition

ADONIS CE is a free BPMN tool that enables business users & enterprises of any size not only to model and simulate Business Processes (BPes) but is also complemented with farious supplementary features such as drawing company maps, implementing process diagrams, calculating RACI matrices, risks & KPIs and designing IT systems.


ADOxx is a universally embracing tool for conceptualizing integrable toolkit and/or plugin platforms using standards-aware metadata languages such as graphical (BPMN), modeling (UML), knowledge-representation (OWL) & data modeling (ER) ones.


ADONIS Cloud is the online edition of ADONIS running in the Cloud where it is augmented with an HTML5 GUI, shareable BPMN workspaces and multi-user accounts.

BPaaS Allocation Environment

Allocation Tool

It is responsible for selecting a BPaaS Design Package (previously created via the Design Environment) and creating a BPaaS Bundle ready to be published in the Marketplace and deployed in...

Fhoster (Livebase)

Fhoster provides SaaS operations in the form of cloudlets as small pieces of cloud, individually made available, that enable businesses & organizations alike to easily design any kind of...

BPaaS Execution & Marketplace Environment


It is an online frontstore through which customers discover, analyse and purchase BPaaS bundles by also initialising the respective BPaaS deployment in the cloud environment. Therefore, it...

Repository Manager

It is responsible for managing the information related to different entities such external services, software components, cloud providers and so on. It is a transversal component allowing the...

Workflow Engine (yourBPM)

It is responsible for managing the deployment, execution and management of the different workflow instances of a purchased BPaaS workflow at the execution phase. Access Deployed as...

SLA Engine

The SLA Engine represents the component responsible for generating, storing and observing the formal documents describing electronic service level agreements between the parties...

BPaaS Evaluation Environment


ADOSCORE enables the visualization of the analysis information via the use of suitable metaphors. Guides the user in properly performing the different types of analysis.