D4.6/D4.7/D4.8 - Final BPaaS Prototype
The final release of the BPaaS Prototype consisting of all environment and software components.
D4.6/D4.7/D4.8 - Final BPaaS Prototype Factsheets
Access factsheets for the prototype release.
D4.9 CloudSocket Integration Report
The report on how a distributed and heterogeneous developed prototype has been integrated.
D5.4 CloudSocet BPaaS Execution Environment at user site
[confidential] Report on the deployment of the CloudSocket Execution Environment at the two CloudSocket workspaces.
D5.5 BPaaS Implementation for use case sites
[confidential] Report in the implementation of workflows from abstract to executable workflows, that are published on the Marketplace, from the point of view of the two CloudSocket brokers.
D5.6 Demonstration Run Report
Report of the demonstration run, provides a broker (end-user) and customer (end-end-user) oriented viewpoint of the demonstration at the broker site.
D6.2 Knowledge Provision for CloudSocket: Findings and Feedback
Report of the assessment of the innovation items, which are evaluated using the concept of an innovation shop and innovation scorecard to document validation.
2015 - 2016
D1.1 - Quality & Risk Plan
[confidential] A reference report for the project management tools and guidelines that will be followed during the project's lifecycle alongside Quality Assurance guarantees to mitigate various risks.
D1.2 - Data Management Plan
An extensive report concerning the management of research data that are produced in CloudSocket according to certain rules that are provided using a variety of EC templates and guidelines.
D1.5 - Data Protection & Ethical Issue Analysis
[confidential] A compehensive handbook about data privacy issues and ethical challenges along with how they are dealt with by providing guidelines that are in tandem with the project management.
D2.1 - Use Case Analysis & Evaluation Criteria
The official CloudSocket specification by demonstrating various usage case scenarios and how they are efficiently and properly simulated.
D2.2 - BPaaS References, Definitions & Common Terms
A document that defines the technical jargon and standardizes the project's agreed nomenclature which effectively facilitates communication between members either via (in)direct means or via tools such as the publicly accessible Wiki.
D2.3 - Cloud Transformation Framework
A comprehensive report for an online assessment tool that aims to assist start-ups and SMEs to evaluate their position and readiness with respect to deployment of BPes in the cloud.
D3.1 - BPaaS Design Environment
A first analysis and introduction of the BPaaS modelling framework.
D3.2 - BPaaS Design Environment Prototype
The first research prototype BPaaS Design Environment.
D3.3 - BPaaS Allocation and Execution Environment Blueprints
Research challenges and blueprint for the BPaaS Allocation and Execution Environment
D3.4 - BPaaS Allocation and Execution Environment Prototypes
Research prototypes of the Execution Environment and Allocation Environment.
D3.5 - BPaaS Monitoring and Evaluation Blueprints
Research challenges and blueprint for the BPaaS Monitoring and Evaluation.
D4.1 - First CloudSocket Architecture
A detailed report about the technical CloudSocket infrastructure consisting of the four BPaaS Environments: Design, Allocation, Execution and Evaluation which compound the BPaaS lifecycle of the CloudSocket Broker as well as the BPaaS Marketplace that offers BPaaS to the CloudSocket Customer.
D4.2/D4.3/D4.4 - First BPaaS Prototype
The first release of the BPaaS Prototype consisting of all environment and software components.
D4.5 - Final CloudSocket Architecture
The document introduces the final CloudSocket architecture.
D5.1 - Initial Setup Report
[confidential] An initial report about the CloudSocket platform setup and its internal workings of its underlying infrastructure and mechanics.
D5.2 - BPaaS Reference Models
[confidential] A collection of potential BPaaS candidates.
D5.3 - BPaaS Allocations
[confidential] A collection of allocation bundles based on the reference models.
D7.1 - Project Flyer
The project's flyer which lists the project's members along with some basic information about the project's aims.
D7.2 - Project Website
A document summary which provides a description of the structure and content of the project's official website.
D7.3 - CloudSocket 1st Year Dissemination Report
A sum-up report review on the Dissemination Activities of the CloudSocket consortium for the first year.
D7.4 - CloudSocket 1st Year Collaboration Report
[confidential] A comprehensive report about the collaboration efforts, intended goals and achieved results between CloudSocket and external (non-CloudScoket) partners.
D7.5 Second Year Dissemination Collection
A sum-up report review on the Dissemination Activities of the CloudSocket consortium for the second year.
D7.6 Second Year Cooperation Report
[confidential] A comprehensive report about the collaboration efforts, intended goals and achieved results between CloudSocket and external (non-CloudScoket) partners.
Project Research
The CloudSocket project receives research funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
Coordination: BOC, Dr. Robert Woitsch, robert.woitsch@boc-eu.com
Funding Partners

Horizon 2020