Research Findings Demos

Research Findings Demos

Research fireworks at your disposal

Allocation Environment: DMN-to-CAMEL-Mapper

The Research Problem which we investigate here:
How can the process of creating technical deployment descriptions in CAMEL be eased?
For detailing this we will go through the CAMEL creation workflow and we will learn about the added value of this research.

PaaS Orchestration and Adaptation

The Research Problem which we investigate here:
  • How can we make use of cloud providers on all layers?
  • How can we adapt the deployment in a cross-layer way to fit the current needs?
For detailing this we will go through the a few example scenarios and we will learn about the added value of this research.

Alignment of Business and IT in the Cloud

In this video we will show results regarding three research topics on which we have concentrated:

  • Semantic Lifting and Matcher Prototypes: How can a modeling environment support the semantic lifting of BPaaS models such that a matching algorithm can be performed?
  • Context-Adaptive Questionnaire Prototype: How can semantic lifting and service discovery be performed more intuitively and smartly?
  • DMN to SPARQL CONSTRUCT Prototype: How can a modeling environment support the business user in editing rules for the smart business-IT alignment?