Common Understanding Wiki

Common Understanding Wiki

A Common Knowledge Source of Terms and Definitions

Source management and branching

Wiki: Tools

Source-Code management

We use git as source-code management tool.

The sources are partly hosted in UULM's own gitlab environment and on github. Both should be publicly accessible, except for internal test-code that might contain private data.

CloudSocket-components are generally hosted on UULM's gitlab environment.

Cloudiator-specific components are hosted on github, as this is also used throughout other project and should remain compatible between them.


UULM's gitlab

We have one stable master branch that is regularly deployed to a specific server and one branch per new not yet integrated feature. We will decide in a telco on when to also create a testing environment for a specific branch.

master: stable code. camel-integration: contains new effort to integrate latest changes in CAMEL. xmi-interface: integrating XMI into the interface of the execution environment. marketplace-interface: integrating the newly dicussed interface variable that are sent by the marketplace.


In order to keep close the cloudiator development and to avoid a management overhead, we have several branches for CloudSocket in the github repositiry:

cs-master: contains stable code. The official master branch is regularly merged into this to make use of new features - unless there were major changes, we can currently not use in CloudSocket. cs-*: any other branch that contains new unstable features.

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