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1.5 BPaaS Design Environment Prototype


1.5 BPaaS Design Environment Prototype


This BPaaS Design Envrionment prototype is seen as proof of concept and hence open for research and academic community. In addition to the aforementioned BPMN and DMN, another modelling type has been added to conclude with concrete BPaaS Bundles. Hence the total BPaaS Bundle that describes the business process, the abstract workflow, the concrete workflow, the deployment rules as well as the KPIs can be modelled and hence exported in a consolidated file, which is further processed by succeeding environments.


Modeltype Descriptions

BPaaS Design Package

This meta model enables the assignment of business processes, workflows, KPIs and deployment rules. Hence it is understood as an index, to identify, how the BPaaS models are combined. In case vaild BPaaS Design Packages are queried, models of this model type will be accessed to get the available BPaaS Bundels.


Business Processes Model

This metamodel defines a minimal subset of BPMN 2.0 that can be used to define business processes that can be linked to a decision model. The subset is selected based on practical experience of the types of concepts used for modelling such procedures.


For the interchange of the business processes and the workflows BPMN DI is used. Currently the transformation from the ADOxml format to the BPMN DI and vice versa is done with the free online tranformator of the ADONIS CE website:

     BPMN DI Import

     BPMN DI Export




Service Description Model

With the additional modeltype "Business Process Service Description" which consist of the class "Activity Description" a business process designer is able to define or describe the characteristics of a service which is needed in six different aspects

  1. Functional
  2. Input
  3. Output
  4. Non-Functional
  5. Business
  6. Regulatory




Decision Model

This modeltype gives you the possibility to design your business decisions. The aim is to enable business users (e.g. analysts, technical developers) to comprehend the decisions that have been defined.


Working Environment Model

Organization models describe the structure of an organization (organization chart). In this prototype, organizational structure models can be built hierarchically using organizational sub models to e.g. illustrate a detailed structure of a working environment.



Document Model

Document models contain documents (templates), which are utilized in the processes (input, output to activities etc.). Document models can be built hierarchically using document sub models to e.g. illustrate a detailed structure of documents.



KPI- Cause and Effect Model

This model type offers an overview of strategic and operational goals and the performance indicators used to measure the target levels achievement of those goals.

In CloudSocket there are three different layers to define the goals and the corresponding performance indicators:

i)     Business Process Layer

ii)    Workflow layer

iii)   Deployment Layer



KPI- Indicators model

In the indicators models all relevant information concerning indicators and ratio systems are represented graphically. On the one hand the formulas for calculating performance indicators are defined and on the other hand the data sources needed for operational data access.



Details on the first BPaaS Prototype
Details on the technical architecture
Reading on BPaaS Design


BPMN and DMN Modeling Environment


Library and Models

Additional Information

Originator: Wilfrid Utz (BOC)
Technology Readiness Level: 5
Related CloudSocket Environment: Design